Monday, December 25, 2006

Christmas: And What Of It?

Well, hello everyone. I've decided to make my own blog... which is rather obvious, or this wouldn't be here. Anyway, I'm not exactly sure what I want to do with it yet. My posts will likely be spread out, both in time and in subject. Then again, a lot of other people do that, too, from what I've seen, so I guess I'm not so odd in that respect.

So long, and Merry Christmas to all! Hope you all enjoy your time with family as we celebrate Christ's birth.


Theophilus Christmas said...


Post perceptions, distinctions, questions, revelations that are granted you.

I do not believe you can go wrong as long as you abstain from pride/arrogance and any other moral impurity and wickedness.

God Bless Christian. Let us Live in the Light of God, in the Sun of Righteousness (Malachi 4:2), with a mind set on eternity. Merry Christmas. May our joy be in the Lord, for there is unbound rapturous delight to be had in the presence of our God. God Bless.

The Devoted said...


I agree with James. Consider your blog a place where others may read and contemplate your personal or academic reflections and stories.

I thank God for a place like this. May it rejuvenate the passion for debate and zeal for the search for truth that existed in the days of Lewis. May our seeking of goodness, truth, and beauty go ever onward. Seek Him first and let our minds not be influenced by anything other than that of the Lord God Almighty.

Merry Christmas and I hope you have a blessed rest of the week. God Bless.
